Tag Archives: Aronado

Skydiving 2.0, Extreme wake up call!

Create plan, follow plan, refine plan, repeat, repeat, repeat

So, I had this really cool dream. All I remember was, some older man with grey hair and a good sense of humor in a green jumpsuit showing me how to jump out of the plane. We were flying over some beautiful African terrain with zebras, elephants, and lots of wildlife below. I could see the ocean, which made it feel like paradise. I was kinda scared about the jumping part but, not so much.

(Pause dream)

Let’s acknowledge a few things I am going through in my life.

  1. I am currently launching a start up
  2. Thinking & discussing a trip to Tanzania
  3. Friend told me a story about skydiving the night before
  4. I am really scared of heights

(Resume dream)

Training day is over and I have the itch to go skydiving. Well, I am not sure how I managed to do this but, apparently I decided to go skydiving by myself. So, I figured out how to fly the plane and get back to the same altitude that we were during the training exercise. The scenery was just as beautiful but, kinda sorta had a Second Life *feel* too it, I mean it definitely was not Second Life but, it didn’t seem exactly the same.

Finally, after a while of flying I thought, shit! After I jump, who will fly the freakin plane? What will happen to the plane? Will anyone get hurt? I started to kinda freak out a bit, what the hell was I thinking?! But, hell, I couldn’t let that stop me, I was on a mission.

I put on the green jumpsuit, looked out on the gorgeous terrain, stared at the Ocean for a long while taking it all in. Finally, I did some weird maneuver where I didn’t really jump but kinda slid down the tail of the plane and finally just let go.

I am falling now, wow! It’s awesome and amazing, I am falling perfectly, I can still see the ocean, the terrain, the wildlife way down below. Then I start thinking, hmmm I don’t remember exactly when to pull the parachute. So, I thought, all right, where is the parachute pull?! Holy shit!! I didn’t even concern myself with a parachute. WTF.

Then, I thought to myself, well, the only way I can live is if I close the program. So, in my minds eye, I pointed and clicked the little X. and everything was fine.

Some people aren’t so lucky right, sometimes it’s not a dream and there is no program to X out of.

Is the matrix getting nearer?

Are we already in it, but can’t recognize it?

Who knows but here’s the point.

No matter what, always have your plan in front of you, and always be checking to see if things are in their proper place and working correctly. If something doesn’t *feel* right, shut off your phone, your Twitter, your x,y,z and review your plan. What’s working?, what’s not?, are you dreaming or are you DO-ing?

The excitement & ambition of being an entrepreneur can create some blind spots, just be aware of them. Have your plan in place, follow your plan, and refine your plan as you learn and move forward.

Everyone KNOWS this but are we DO-ing it?