Skydiving 2.0, Extreme wake up call!

Create plan, follow plan, refine plan, repeat, repeat, repeat

So, I had this really cool dream. All I remember was, some older man with grey hair and a good sense of humor in a green jumpsuit showing me how to jump out of the plane. We were flying over some beautiful African terrain with zebras, elephants, and lots of wildlife below. I could see the ocean, which made it feel like paradise. I was kinda scared about the jumping part but, not so much.

(Pause dream)

Let’s acknowledge a few things I am going through in my life.

  1. I am currently launching a start up
  2. Thinking & discussing a trip to Tanzania
  3. Friend told me a story about skydiving the night before
  4. I am really scared of heights

(Resume dream)

Training day is over and I have the itch to go skydiving. Well, I am not sure how I managed to do this but, apparently I decided to go skydiving by myself. So, I figured out how to fly the plane and get back to the same altitude that we were during the training exercise. The scenery was just as beautiful but, kinda sorta had a Second Life *feel* too it, I mean it definitely was not Second Life but, it didn’t seem exactly the same.

Finally, after a while of flying I thought, shit! After I jump, who will fly the freakin plane? What will happen to the plane? Will anyone get hurt? I started to kinda freak out a bit, what the hell was I thinking?! But, hell, I couldn’t let that stop me, I was on a mission.

I put on the green jumpsuit, looked out on the gorgeous terrain, stared at the Ocean for a long while taking it all in. Finally, I did some weird maneuver where I didn’t really jump but kinda slid down the tail of the plane and finally just let go.

I am falling now, wow! It’s awesome and amazing, I am falling perfectly, I can still see the ocean, the terrain, the wildlife way down below. Then I start thinking, hmmm I don’t remember exactly when to pull the parachute. So, I thought, all right, where is the parachute pull?! Holy shit!! I didn’t even concern myself with a parachute. WTF.

Then, I thought to myself, well, the only way I can live is if I close the program. So, in my minds eye, I pointed and clicked the little X. and everything was fine.

Some people aren’t so lucky right, sometimes it’s not a dream and there is no program to X out of.

Is the matrix getting nearer?

Are we already in it, but can’t recognize it?

Who knows but here’s the point.

No matter what, always have your plan in front of you, and always be checking to see if things are in their proper place and working correctly. If something doesn’t *feel* right, shut off your phone, your Twitter, your x,y,z and review your plan. What’s working?, what’s not?, are you dreaming or are you DO-ing?

The excitement & ambition of being an entrepreneur can create some blind spots, just be aware of them. Have your plan in place, follow your plan, and refine your plan as you learn and move forward.

Everyone KNOWS this but are we DO-ing it?

Start-Up Entrepreneurs, Stop Sucking and Start Listening

Fellow start-up entrepreneurs, let us shout it right now, “FU*K!” Now, a few deep breaths, a few more. OK. Nah, we’re not gonna start drinking yet, we’re gonna reflect & do some thinking. In this post, I just want to talk a little bit about being an entrepreneur, social media, a few people involved in social media and, how it can help your business begin to grow in an organic & amazingly dynamic way.

For starters, here’s the wikipedia entry for entrepreneur: “An entrepreneur is a person who has possession over a new enterprise or venture and assumes full accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome.”

The sticky message for me is “full accountability.” Basically, it is up to you and no one else to make your business successful (period) How bad do you want it?

Entrepreneurs are much like musicians, we are extremely passionate about what we do, and we want everyone to love our “music.” We have a natural tendency to create a product or service, then kinda reach out to everyone (on the freakin’ planet) and ask what they think, “will you join?”, will you try it?”. Now, I am not saying this won’t work, but it just doesn’t freakin work unless you are already known and or respected by the “right” people. So, stop right now! Quit asking people what they think about your damn web app, social networking site, widget, etc. etc. etc.

Let’s get started on your social media agenda and let’s get your BILLION dollar idea off the ground and into some kick ass blogs, and publications like Forbes, Fast Company, Inc., Wired etc.

A little housekeeping real quick:

Can you explain your business in 10 words?

Why did you start this business? You must be able to spit this out like a sunflower seed!

What do you expect to happen with this business? Spit the seed!

Now let’s get your “SM” on!!(if you have done most of these, you NEED to at least check out he “resources!” provided. They will make all your dreams come true!

1. Don’t ask people to “help” you unless they already know, like, & trust you

2. Set up a Facebook account (resource!)

3. Create a blog (and start blogging, at least (3) times per week)

4. Get a account (resource!)

5. Get involved with other peoples blogs. (must be genuinely interested in their content, read their posts, think, and post comments) *don’t be full of shit!

6. Set up Google reader and read like a mofo!

7. Set up a YouTube account…have fun with it (resource!)

8. Set up a Flickr account, people want to see you…just do it!

9. Link back to your site, but do not promote yourself, just be present, be a student, and ask questions from the people you want to be like and just be yourself.

10. Drop the EGO right here, right now! Who doesn’t want to be a successful billionaire?! Don’t get all sad and down when others don’t “want to be your friend” or like your business. If your business is well thought out, unique, viable etc. people will be interested.

11. Just stay true to who you are and what you are doing. Get ready to make some changes with your biz because you will be learning from people who have made mistakes for you. Now, these people are in a position to help, and they will help you once they like, know, & trust you! It’s all good…just kick ass!

Since you are brand new let’s stop right here baby! If you start off doing these things you WILL connect with people & you WILL have people ask about your business and you WILL start to build a network of people who care about you because you CARED about them.

I highly recommend you subscribe to these ass kickin guru’s

Ps. If you have a start up & you just want some honest feedback about your “thing” hit me up, I will check it out and give you honest feedback.

Email me at: Aronado@bitchybetty.Org


Twitter: Aronado

All you social media tech geeks…

Many times, when I speak to a social media “guru” they act like starting a web 2.0. or 3.0 business is all about focusing on getting the traffic.  Traffic, Traffic, Traffic, when all I want is real members who come for the concept, the platform, conversations & the all around nature of the site. (yes, it’s possible I have spoken to the wrong ones)

See, maybe I am “old school” (32) freakin years old, I don’t think the primary focus has to be on gimmicks to get people to sign up, paying people to Digg your story, and treating the whole situation as if it’s a virtual reality game.

At the same time, we must keep an open mind and watch how others are achieving success. So, I am listening, gauging, monitoring what people are doing in order to create success.  But, is my idea of success the same as theirs ? Maybe not.  For me, it’s all about the member the Customer.  After owning a restaurant ( for approx. four (4) years, and working in the service industries of banking, real estate, & marketing, I know that to be successful, the focus must be on your CUSTOMERS. 

The excitement for me is providing a medium where meaningful conversations can be facilitated and have an opportunity to evolve into real life actions.  To me, it’s about the integrity involved in the marketing, social networking, social media, and new media that makes the difference.  Communicating a real and genuine message which has been cultivated and crafted to capture the attention of your market. So, to me it’s about knowing who your demographic is, knowing your value, communicating that value in a message which is “sticky” (see  Then taking that message and planting seeds in all of the places your market is and where they’re going. Last but, not least, everyone knows this but, your business must add value to their life in some way.  Even if others think your business is trivial, if you are staying true and providing real value, march forward and kick ass!

Can you state the value of your business in 10 words? If not, that might be a hell of a place to start..

Then, much like a garden we “cultivate” or (collaborate) in order to stay alive and grow.

So, in this blog I’ll be discussing, marketing, PR, Grass Roots “DIY” stuff, Social Networking, and stuff like Twitter (which I have almost no followers yet) and anything related.  Now, on the top of my mind are the following questions:

1: Specifically, who are 75% of my customers, really define them?

2. What do they want / need ?

3. Are we providing what they want better then anyone else? if not, how so?

4. Are we providing our customers with the tools to take our message viral?

This will be a fun personal journey!  Yesterday, I was told that, “your lack of patience is problematic and you are too aggressive”  Yeah, I guess I should sit back and sip on Makers Mark , and smoke a Partagas black label and wait for some success to fall in my lap.

What are some of the top questions on your mind?  would love to explore together cheers!

Before the beginning..

hmmmm, I like this theme becuase it seems simple simple simple. My wife says I am always looking for the easy way out. If that’s true why are things such a struggle sometimes.